Drunken Boat, international online journal of the arts, would like to thank founding editor, Dr. Ravi Shankar and the Director of The NEXT, Professor Dene Grigar, for their guidance and support in the production of Issue#25. Special thanks also the undergraduates in Tufts Journalism for their assistance, with acknowledgement due particularly to Associate Editor, Summer Maxwell, Assistant Editor Lucy Belknap, Deputy Assistant Editor, Bela Silverman, Poetry Editor Leslie Boc Camey, Fiction Editor Nick Briano, Nonfiction Editor Lauren Jo Alicandro, Art Editor Adrian Huq, Film Editor Julie Do and Web Designer Akash Patel. Founded in 1999, Drunken Boat is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and one of the world's oldest electronic journals. Please email drunkenboatmagazine@gmail.com with any inquiries or to make a tax-deductible donation.