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What stays with me

Mags Webster

What stays with me

is motorcycle

slicing into night 

is sternum 


paired with spine 

is sideways stare 

is question 


masked as dare

is peppermint tea 



is salt & truffle, 


pelt of hair 


frantic jazz of fingers  

latch of jaw 

to back of neck, sweet 


serpentine of sweat,  

the paper-throated 

buck of breath, a mesh 


of curls & wet

too many 



& yet, & yet 

you tighten 

to me, skin 


still slick 

from a thousand   

kisses, vows


& passionate lies

such ginger in

this startled tilt


a seasoning 

we can’t wash 

off, we recoil


from its taste 

yet crave each

famished mouthful

  • What stays with me
    Audio file