Selections from Hall of Portraits from The History of Machines
Sue JohnsonMixie
Mixie, from Hall of Portraits from The History of Machines (2020). Acrylic over artist's original print image on canvas with imprinting from a roll of vinyl shelf lining and bubble wrap. 59" x 42".
Pyrexa, Sister of Ready-Maid
Pyrexa, Sister of Ready-Maid from Hall of Portraits from the History of Machines (2020). Acrylic over artist's original print image on canvas with imprinting from Amazon brand Presto paper towels, 59" x 42".
Neo-Hobble Skirt
Neo-Hobble Skirt from Hall of Portraits from The History of Machines (2021). Acrylic over artist's original print image on canvas with imprinting from Bounty paper towels and pattern from embossed guest bathroom hand towel, 59" x 42".