Late April
Siobhan EkehLATE APRIL
Her pictures are all self-created
Simplified approximations
April on the edges of
a Christmas tree so badly dated
Tinsel strings, the gifted dog
Summer naps with limbs made tan
by the bleach of cotton sheets
Holding hands against the waves
of colorized and stormy beaches
Now the war is dead and done
the captain’s hat a useless heirloom
Empty watermelon rind
still slim of mass and broad of volume
April with her knitted sweater
shadow-sculpted pinkie finger
April with the boyish hair
April, trouble, whistle-ringer
April’s got her camera on
to document a quiet schism
April shooting up and out
proportionating logarithm
Roadtrip to the country house
the floral couch now uncollapsing
Sticking heads through cardboard cutouts
tanning bed for spare relaxing
April in the margins of the
water damaged celebration
Parenthetical negative term
of a lopsided equation
Purple haze a Texas evening
bridesmaids a pastel contortion
Pursing lips and grinning, preening
Christians taking in the orphan
Doc who smiles in the field
grenade scales of squat pineapples
Digs a shelter underground
a lowdown consecrated chapel.
April went away because . . .
I can’t pretend I know exactly
Tinsel on the olden tree,
a daughter only most abstractly
Keying up that classic car
clubbing down the Christmas puppy
Laying in a timeless scar
cursing out the Baylor yuppies
Why’d she have to go away?
April, trouble, little sister
April twisting into May
forsythianic wicker-twister
Doomsday bunker under ground
will keep the shells and gases out
and dampen the ungodly sound
of neighbors crying out for help
But April hasn’t been here long
by now I’d hope she’s far away
And I guess she’ll have to bite the bomb
if she should live to see the day.